Prayer for Sunday School: How to Teach Kids the Power of Prayer

Prayer is an essential part of a child's spiritual growth, and teaching kids how to pray can be a powerful experience. The Sunday School lesson on prayer for small groups of adults can help you do just that with members of your church. This set of lessons recognizes that prayer isn't always easy, and provides guidance on how to make it easier. The acronym ACTS can help children remember what to pray for.

A stands for Adoration, C for Confession, T for Thanksgiving, and S for Supplication. Adoration is praising God for who He is and all He has done. Confession is asking for forgiveness for our sins. Thanksgiving is thanking God for the blessings in our lives.

And Supplication is asking God for help with our needs and the needs of others. When teaching kids how to pray, it's important to emphasize that prayer isn't just about asking God for things. It's also about listening to Him and spending time in His presence. Encourage children to take time each day to be still and listen to what God has to say.

In addition to teaching kids the basics of prayer, it's important to provide them with examples of how prayer works in real life. Share stories from the Bible or your own life about how God answered prayers or provided help in difficult times. This will help children understand that prayer is a powerful tool that can be used in all aspects of life. Finally, remind children that prayer isn't just something they do when they're in trouble or need something from God.

It's also a way to stay connected with Him throughout the day and build a relationship with Him. Encourage them to talk to God throughout the day, even if it's just a few words or a simple thought. The Sunday School lesson on prayer for small groups of adults can help you teach children the power of prayer and how it can be used in their daily lives. By emphasizing the importance of listening to God and providing examples of how prayer works, you can help children understand the power of prayer and how it can be used in all aspects of life.

Terence Wedgeworth
Terence Wedgeworth

I love the Bible and love sharing God's truth with others! I dream of being a full-time evangelist, but for now it's Bible college and blogging for me. I also teach 4th grade Sunday School at my church. Click here to see my kids Bible lessons.