How to Start a Sunday School Class: A Guide for Church Leaders

Starting a Sunday school class can be a daunting task for church leaders. But with the right preparation and guidance, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience. To help you get started, here are some tips on how to create an engaging and meaningful Sunday school class. First and foremost, it's important to have Safe Prayer Support.

Invite a few people to join you in prayer as you embark on this new journey. Be clear about who the class is intended for and what you hope to achieve. Next, it's time to get ready to lead a Bible study. When summarizing the lesson with your students, ask them what they remember about the story.

Don't just give a lecture or read from 10 pages of notes – instead, try to summarize your points in one statement. It's also important to remember that the church has been around for centuries, so there are plenty of online resources available to help you teach a Hermeneutics 101 course in just one hour. Take advantage of these resources and join the more than 180,000 church leaders who receive free resources weekly. When teaching Sunday school, it's important to incorporate different types of learning into your lesson plan.

This could include lectures, discussions, activities, and more. It's also important to remember that for many children, their Sunday school teacher is their first introduction to Jesus. When designing your lesson plan, it's important to keep in mind that children have a good sense of smell for condescending material. If you apply childish principles to the design or content of your lesson plan, they'll ignore you.

Instead, focus on creating an engaging and exciting atmosphere that encourages participation from all ages. Finally, don't forget that your students are there to learn from you. You have 52 hours a year to make an impact on their lives, so make sure you use them wisely. Many churches now offer “plug and play” style lessons which can be helpful if you're short on time.

However, if you want to create an exceptional one-time lesson or short series, consider using categories such as audience-specific principles when writing your lesson plan. Achieving an engaging Sunday school culture in your church boils down to following a few key principles about public participation. With the right preparation and guidance, you can create an incredibly rewarding experience for both yourself and your students.

Terence Wedgeworth
Terence Wedgeworth

I love the Bible and love sharing God's truth with others! I dream of being a full-time evangelist, but for now it's Bible college and blogging for me. I also teach 4th grade Sunday School at my church. Click here to see my kids Bible lessons.